This new domestic gag rule is a dangerous policy that threatens health care access for millions of Washingtonians, particularly vulnerable Washington residents who rely on publicly funded health care clinics for basic health care, including family ...
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington says in letter “David Sawyer, don’t seek reelection”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information: Tiffany HankinsNARAL Pro-Choice Washington(206)-915-7426 NARAL Pro-Choice Washington says in letter “David Sawyer, don’t seek reelection” Seattle - "It's not only troubling that 8 women have come ...
NARAL PCW Releases 2018 Reproductive Freedom Scorecard
Scorecard Tracks Legislative Actions in Time of Attack Seattle - For the third year in a row, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington has released its annual Reproductive Freedom Scorecard. The assessment takes into account not just legislators’ votes on ...
2018 Letters to the Editor from NARAL members
"This bill has been in the works for years, and it is thanks to women’s health and pro-choice groups and dedicated pro-choice legislators that this landmark legislation is possible. Jay and I are wholeheartedly committed to the continued fight to protect ...
Washington’s Reproductive Parity Act is a win for women and a model for the nation
“The RPA makes a clear statement that Washington state stands for women and it stands for affordable, compassionate health care for all. A woman’s right to choose has been under attack across the nation, with relentless attempts to limit access, provide ...
What the passage of the Reproductive Parity Act means for Washingtonians
"You don't have reproductive rights if you don't have access to health care. We are looking at the federal government casting doubt over the stability (of rules through the) insurance commissioners office. It's really important to regulate through state ...
Washington State Legislature Approves the Reproductive Parity Act
"The act would also set up a reimbursement program for women who are without insurance or on Medicaid. Critically, the act also requires a review of maternal and reproductive health-care disparities between white women and women of color." - Heidi ...
Guest Editorial: Reproductive Parity Act Means Improved Health Care Access for All Washington Women
“Washingtonians deserve to have the full spectrum of their health care needs addressed in a comprehensive way, without cost barriers or stigma. Abortion care is health care. So are contraception and maternity care. Our public policy should respect and ...
Washington state senate approves bill mandating abortion coverage
“Washington has long led the way on this issue, and passing the Reproductive Parity Act (RPA) will be yet another example of that,” said state Sen. Steve Hobbs (D-Lake Stevens), who introduced the bill this legislative session in Olympia. “It should pass, ...
The Reproductive Parity Act passed through the Washington State Senate
“This is really going to be the fight of our lives,” Goss told PubliCola. “This will be such a telltale of what’s to come, not just for our current generation but for generations to come.” ...