To achieve our mission, we are made up of three complementary organizations. By supporting Pro-Choice Washington, you are directly helping protect reproductive freedom across Washington.
Pro-Choice Washington
Our 501(c)4 funds our direct lobbying, issue-specific advocacy, impact in the legislature, voter engagement, and direct electoral and candidate engagement.
Please note: Because of IRS lobbying restrictions, contributions to the 501(c)4 are not tax deductible.
Our 501(c)3, provides the majority of funding for our day-to-day operations as well as member mobilization, constituent and lawmaker education, research, public policy education, and grassroots advocacy.
Contributions to the 501(c)3 are tax deductible.
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Our PAC oversees our candidate endorsement process and coordinates a robust field effort, including door-knocking and phone calls.
Please note: Because of IRS lobbying restrictions, contributions to the PAC are not tax deductible.