The rally is being put on by NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Planned Parenthood of Greater Washington and North Idaho (PPGWNI), Raíz of PPGWNI, Women+s March on Spokane and Spokane Indivisible. ...
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington Celebrates the Passage of RHAA!
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington Celebrates Passage of Reproductive Health Access for All Seattle - 4.17.19 - Olympia, Wash. – Today, building on the statewide progress of 2018’s Reproductive Health Parity Act, the Reproductive Health Access for All Act ...
NARAL Protests Removal of Anti-Discrimination Clauses in RHAA
Many are calling on state senate leaders to refute the changes, which they find “discouraging” in a progressive state like Washington, Tiffany Hankins, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, told Rewire.News. “I’m furious that the so-called ...
Op-ed: WA is One Floor Vote Away from a Pathway to Universal Healthcare
“Washington State is facing a health care crisis. This crisis affects every facet of our society, as individuals and businesses alike are shouldered with the economic burden of an unsustainable system. That is why we must pass SB 5822 into law ...
NARAL Group on UW Campus Hosts Panel on Women in Politics
Maddie Fox, the canvass director of NARAL, came into politics in a similar fashion. While researching a project for her women’s studies class on Title IX and anti-sexual assault education programs, she realized that her college was the only one in ...
NPCW Stands with Survivors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3/27/19 NARAL Pro-Choice Washington stands with Survivors Seattle – “The allegations against Dr. Willie Parker, made earlier this week, must be taken seriously. We believe survivors and we stand with those who come ...
NARAL Urges Washington State to Expand Health Care
Women who are undocumented can't access family-planning services because of federal restrictions, and Morgan Steele Dykeman, legislative affairs manager for NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, said nearly 30 percent of transgender Washingtonians have been denied ...
Opinion: Statewide Office of Equity can Reduce Systemic Racial Inequalities
"The Legislature has an opportunity to expand this work statewide by establishing a statewide Office of Equity within the Office of the Governor. House Bill 1783 and Senate Bill 5776 would construct the first statewide office of this magnitude. If ...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 1/24/19 HERRO COALITION ANNOUNCESREPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ACCESS FOR ALL LEGISLATION Seattle - The Health Equity and Reproductive Rights Organizations (HERRO) Coalition announces prime legislation for 2019, the Reproductive Health ...
NARAL Fights for Women's Rights
The event, put on by the National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice Washington, convened in an unoccupied space owned by the sex shop, WinkWink, on Commercial Street downtown. The meeting’s goal was to discuss pro-choice legislators and the 2019 ...